Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sharing All the World!

Youtube Collab channels are everywhere. They more or less have the same formula over and over again; five people, each assigned a different day, talking and responding to each other. A conversation, meant for everyone to see, usually by a group of friends or people who've met online, to share their friendship with the viewers. Challenges are set, to make the videos interesting, but there never seemed to be a clear purpose behind the videos though.

However, a few days ago, Michelle started a collab channel meant for five people with completely different nationalities. While the British and American youtubers usually have an advantage getting into collab channels because of their fluency, the purpose of this new channel called Sharing All The World is to feature as many different nationalities as possible!

As a result of that, the Danish popular youtuber Simon - or 1992Jarhead as many of you may know him - has been cast as (Si)Monday. The other participants are British, Dutch, American and Denmark respectively. Within 3 days, they've already gotten over 50 subscribers, but they're worth more than that.

Five awesome nerdfighters joining together learn as much about other cultures and be awesome internationally is definitely worth a Sub!

P.s. Wednes-wes-day is the most awesome of all, obviously ;) 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Top 5 Deadliest Animals

This list contains the top 5 deadliest animals on Earth (besides the 
human which is obviously #1).

5. Lion:King of the animals, highest in the food chain in Africa... but not the deadliest! His features are very impressive and with its razor-sharp teeth,  incredible speed and huge strength this animal feeds itself with all other mammals in Africa. Even humans if its regular food source is scarce!

4. White shark:With over 3000 teeth, an unimaginably good sense of smell and an incredible feeling for the tiniest of sparks in the water, the white  shark is very dangerous to say the least. Besides their incredible 
sense of smell which enables them to smell one small drip of blood in  100 liters of water, their ultimate weapon is their really sensitive  feeling for the electrical field. Every human heartbeat produces a  tiny electrical pulse, and a shark van feel a difference of  0.0000000005 volt...

Still not convinced? Watch Jaws! (trailer)

3. Australian box jellyfish:With their sometimes even over 60 tentacles, which can be up to 4,5 meters long (13 feet), this is the most dangerous creature in the deep-sea. His poison is different from the cobra's, as it will make your skin feel like it is burning, as if it’s on fire. 'Not that bad', you might think, but 10cm (3 inches) of tentacle touching your skin is enough poison to kill you. Each Australian box jellyfish can kill 3600 full-grown men in one go!
Most sites don't list the mosquito as the deadliest animal, which is probably because the mosquito doesn't kill by itself (although it does sucks 0.005 ml blood so if 1600 mosquitoes suck your blood at the same time you will die, but I'm sure 1600 attacking elephants wouldn't be very pleasant either). However, you can compare the mouth of a mosquito with a dirty needle, which carries diseases such as malaria and yellow fever. Malaria kills 1 million people a year and 90% of them is an African child.

2. Cobra:The poison of the cobra is extraordinary. When you’re bitten by a cobra, your tissue will be directly to start break down and only a few medications have any effect. Over 2 million people are bitten by a cobra every year, 50.000 of them won't survive...

1. Mosquito:
Most sites don't list the mosquito but it is the most deadlie animal  ever. The mosquito doesn't kill by itself (actually it sucks 0.005 ml blood so if 1600 mosquitos suck your blood at the same time you will
die). But you can compare the mouth of a mosquite with a dirty needle, which carries deseases such as malaria and yellow fever.

Malaria kills 1 million people a year and 90% of them is an African

<- I know they are bees and not mosquitos but you get the point of sucked dry by them.... not very nice :3

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Wilderness Downtown

Words don’t always describe everything. I love words, I love how they can trigger emotions and create images in your mind, some emotions and some images can’t be created solely through words. I’ve recently come across one of these amazingly beautiful things of which it is just impossible to explain why it moves you so much if you haven’t seen it. You have to see it.

The website is best viewed with Google Chrome and, as it’s quite browser-intensive, all other applications closed.
In an attempt to add some words to describe what this before you click:
Back in August of 2010, Canadian orchestral indierockband Arcade Fire released their new album ‘The Suburbs’. To accompany that release, Arcade Fire and Google released an interactive online music video written and directed by Chris Milk (who previously worked on The Johnny Cash Project), which allows you to enter the address you grew up and the video is then geopersonalised. By showcasing the capabilities of HTML5, the combination of Arcade Fire’s song We Used To Wait with video footage of the town and street you grew up in creates a very nostalgic mood and feel.

A slow computer – which I know we all have – the site probably slows it down that extra bit, but I tell you, it’s definitely worth the extra trouble your grumbling computer will have to go through.  :) 

Ice coup

So hey guys,
I didn't just wanted to show you what a delicious ice coup I ate yesterday, I also wanted to talk about with you about serious matters. This ice coup seems nice doesn't it? Yes it does... But is it really necessary to have somthing like this? We can also live without a dessert or just with something simple. Don't get me wrong I love icecream but when I saw this thing I was wondering if we really need all of this.....

Torino's desk

So recently we've made a blog how messy my desk is and I justed wanted to show it to you.

So here is my desk after I'd cleaned it...... Okay it was a week ago but still, I cleaned it!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Five reasons why it’s totally plausible blogging can give you world domination!

Okay, perhaps it's not completely realistic that we'll all get world domination by posting a couple of blogs, but hey, we're dreamers and it is plausible it can happen! We're not called World Wake Up Call because we like to sit back and do nothing. ;)

5. The Gospel According To Larry
Ah, yes, fiction, I know. We mentioned this novel in our previous blog, but it’s worth mentioning here again. The Gospel According To Larry by Janet Tashjian is a story which tells us about the very strongly opinionated and articulate teenage Josh, whose dream is to change the world. He creates his own website, a blog,  on which he writes articles under the alias “Larry” – apparently the most un-biblical name he could come up with… sounds like a challenge to me! - to rebel against mass production and consumerism among other things. Although it took until someone in the local newspaper wrote an article about him, he did eventually gain a big following – hooray, one step closer to world domination!

But unfortunately, it did take someone from a newspaper to give him a big audience, so Josh  - Larry – will have to settle for a lousy fifth place. Also, the fact that he faked his own suicide doesn’t really show his world leader attitude either.

4. Universal
Which brings us to the fourth place! Blogging, with which I mean writing articles and publishing them on the internet, is very universal. You might be a very inspiring writer and a brilliant debater, but writing a small article for page 28 of the local newspaper won’t be inspiring to anyone. On the Internet however, all you have to be able to do is promote your blog well to gain a good and universal following. One of the most perfect examples of what the universalness of the internet can achieve is Anonymous. Thankfully, blogs are usually a bit more organized and.. moderated.. than our lovely 4chan, but Anonymous’ attacks on Paypal and the Swiss bank PostFinance were pretty effective, not to mention the demonstrations against Scientology.

However, although being so universal will enable you to get a huge following, you still depend on other people to give you power, so it’s still not the best way to gain world domination.

3. Wealth
Yes, well, a huge following alone might not be enough to gain world domination, but it does earn you support from Google Adsense and other advertising sites. Now I’m not saying GoogleAdsense or support from Google in general will make you the ultimate world leader, but advertising means.. yes… money!

An anonymous blogger in his late teens managed to earn $200,000+ within one year of building his blog from scratch. Jason Calacanis, who has 120 bloggers working for him, is confident he will earn more than $1 million in Google AdSense payments over the next year. And, although we might still wish it wasn’t so, money gets you very far in this world. 

2. Searching for Answers – the Power of Knowledge!
Some time ago, typing in ‘Holocaust’ in Google – oh no, mentioning Google twice in the quest for world domination! – lead you to a page telling you the Holocaust never really happened. Having a lot of readers on your blog gives you the power to give them false information. Imagine having most of the world as a loyal following on your blog, and you suddenly post a blog about the inside information you have on how Russia is planning to invade every European country. Chaos guaranteed!

1 . Ender’s Game
But of course, the real winner should be the fictional novel by Orson Scott Card in which two characters did really become world leaders by writing anonymously on ‘the nets’ – and they were teens! Funnily enough, this book was written before the internet actually existed. This book shortly tells how the brother and sister of the main character start writing articles and essays on ‘the nets’, and in the following books it is revealed that, while the sister went off to space, the brother actually did become ‘Hegemon’, their word for world leader, and reunited the world after his essays stopped a couple of wars.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

London's Big Ben in Wintertime

Griffith was in London during the last heavy snowfall. So, as a start for our > than 1000 words Travel page, a picture! You can either click on the map at the side to keep track of our travels, or frequently visit the  > than 1000 words page.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Free mobile phones!

No, this blog has not been taken hostage by some spambot and this post is not an annoying pop-up, advertising and allegedly claiming to give away mobile phones for free. If you genuinely believed that - although it blows my mind if you did, as you have to be quite the internet equivalent of a stone age Neanderthal to still fall for these things - I strongly urge you to go away now. Yes, press the little red cross in the corner of your screen now, you can do it! Shoof, shoof!

Still with us? Gooood. As you’re reading this, FREE MOBILE PHONES has apparently caught your attention. It does seem like an odd title, doesn’t it? ‘Free mobile phones’ is, in this society, a combination of the two most important things in this world. No wonder I almost have to put a warning spoiler at the top, preventing this blog to be overcrowded with cheap-ass materialists. I’m glad you made it through to the part I really wanted to talk about, though.

First, the word “free”. Of course, all people want things for free, without paying for it, and I’m not saying that’s bad, but we’re living in a capitalistic world which is all about making profit. Not only businesses, but everyone. What better way to make profit than getting things without paying for them? That’s ideal!

We all want so much, and at the same time pay as little as possible for it. We all want to be rich so we can have everything, like an iPad or a big television but we’ve already got so much! I myself am a perfect example of this as well. Still not convinced? Still thinking you don’t have much? Let’s just count the things on my desk right this moment:  

- iPod Touch
- Mobile Phone
- Stereo
- Cable from iPod to stereo
- Remote control from my stereo
- 2 Lee Child books
- Calculator
- 4 stones (from Italy, Greece, Spain and France)
- 5 school books (oh, joy! *sarcastic*)
- Mobile phone charger
- Wallet
- Cup of tea
- Clothespin
- Letter from the bank
- 3 broken pens
- 2 broken pencils
- Pot of ink
- Map of Holland
- ID card
- Libararycard
- Bank card
- Over 50 sheets of paper
- 4 Christmas cards (with a cute little snowman on it! Woo!)
- A bone of a sheep (don't ask)
- A lamp
- A Ludlum thriller (the Bacroft Strategy)
- Diary
- A CD
- 2 writing feathers
- 1 empty carton box
- An eraser
and finally 6 pieces of leftover firework.

Added up and not even counting the 50 pieces of paper, those are 57 separate individual objects I have, just on lying around on my desk! I’m willing to bet I’m not the only one with a messy and full desk like this, let alone room, let alone the entire house. Still convinced you haven’t got much?

That’s one of the things I like about the Gospel According To Larry by Janet Tashjian, which tells us the story of teenage Josh with very strong opinions, who ‘preaches’ them on the internet. One of the things he thinks would make the world better, is having only 75 possessions. If he ever has more than exactly 75 possessions, he has to throw or give something away. That includes the 50 pieces of paper I have lying around here, so if I were to follow his rule, I’d be on the street by now handing out useless empty boxes, bones, pens and what not to people out to people like crazy!

No, I’m not saying we should all follow Josh’s example and strictly limit yourself to having 75 things. However, having pieces of paper and a pen to use would make quite a lot of people in the world jealous. We shouldn’t just give everything away and we shouldn’t give up saving for the things we like, but be happy about it and should realise what we have before we throw it away or carelessly leave it lying around somewhere.

That’s it for this blog, no time to talk about the mobile phones left, but the second part will be up soon!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Hello everyone and – although you’re all probably quite tired of hearing it - a late happy new year from the both of us!

I bet all of you have fancy stories to tell, as NYE is always quite exciting. I for example, unlike Griffith, celebrated New Year in France this year! Sounds rather awesome, doesn’t it? Well, it was.. unless you take in account the fact while Griffith was comfortably at home, sleeping late and recovering from the night before, I jumped into the sea the day after! Bloody hell, that was incredibly cold! Brr.. I’ll never be doing that again!
But fortunately, by doing that, I can now proudly say I’ve accomplished yet another of my 101 goals for the DayZeroProject. Woohoo, me!

If you haven’t heard of the DayZeroProject, it’s a project quite popular under bloggers, but other people as well, in which you have to make a list of 101 goals you want to accomplish in 1001 days (for the non-mathematicians among us, or those that prefer me to do all the counting for you, that’s about 2.75 years). Quite a long term project, yes, but it’s very motivating to do those little things which make you enjoy life, but you’ve never quite realised were important. In the beginning, when compiling the list, you’re probably going to come up with lots of heavy and difficult stuff such as ‘graduate’, ‘write a book’ or ‘move to Japan’, but you can’t possibly keep coming up with 101 of those examples. Silly little things such as climb a tree, only use your bicycle to travel for a week or walking along the beach during sunset are equally important.  Another popular goal is becoming a vegetarian for a month, or keeping your room clean for three months. Yes, it requires some persistence from you, but it also leaves you with a good feeling about yourself and it may actually become a habit! Being a vegetarian that is of course, not keeping your room clean. ;D

Yes, some of these are really hard to do, but it’s not a shame if you fail. If you’ve completed only 80% of your goals, that’s still good! Of course some goals, the little things, are really easy to do. Shooting with a bow and arrow, for example. It’s not something you would easily decide to do on a free afternoon, but if it’s on the list, you’re encouraged to. Because there’s a reason why you’re doing it, and you actually feel good after spending an afternoon at doing something you like.

The point is, this project stimulates you to think of things you’ve always wanted to do – may they be life-changing or just little – and, because of the limited time limit, stimulates you to do them as well! Two and a three quarters of a year is quite a long time, long enough not to completely have to change your lifestyle and dedicate it to accomplishing a goal like as ‘write a book’, but short enough to be encouraging to actually start it. You can’t put it off for too long, you’ll have to finish it within 1001 days!

Like me, Griffith has a list of goals as well, but it’s quite different from mine. One of my goals was actually to convince three other people to participate in the DayZeroProject, and she was one of my victims ;)

If you’ve been convinced to participate and make some goals of your own, which we really urge you to do because it’s quite awesome, you  can check out this site. Unfortunately, the site isn’t in the air at the moment, but be sure we’ll leave you a notice when it is. In the meantime, don’t be afraid to comment us what goals you’d want to achieve if you had 1001 days time.

However, it's incredibly hard to come up with interesting, realistic but challenging goals the rest of the world hasn't thought of yet. That's why we want you to comment the goal you look forward to completing most, or - if you've already completed your goals - the goal that you enjoyed doing most. I'm really interesting to find out how creative you all can be!
