> than 1000 words

What says more than the thousands and thousands of words we could write on our blog? Yes, pictures. Now, we don't want to overload you with pictures, but sometimes we come across something so curious, so magnificent, so overwhelming, interesting or so intruiging that we have to share it. Something small no one else notices, but worth noticing. Something big, an experience you don't want to forget and have to share with the world. Sometimes, a picture says more than any words can describe.

Keep note: this is - mostly - our own work.

Okay Griffith.... What are you saying? quote: we don't want to overload you with pictures.... Refraise: You don't want to overload them with pictures I do.... quote next part: but sometimes we come across something so curious, so magnificent, so overwhelming, interesting or so intruiging that we have to share it.... Only than can I share a picture? I just wanted to upload a picture of the icecoup I ate yesterday <link>.... Well okay griffith, we will talk about this.... But for now: Ice coup's and my messy desk <Link to my desk>


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